I can't believe my kid sister's 34 years old. How did that happen?
I meant to knit her a present with this yarn for Christmas, but that didn't happen. I'm so glad I managed to knit this pink Baktus for her BD on Feb 11th. She even got it on the right day, as I was visiting her last weekend. So, here it is again: Happy Birthday, Marika!
My sister and her husband had an event last Saturday, the kind of an event where you need both your dogs and an evening dress. A long way from the dog shows where my sister started all those years ago with our Karelian Bear Dog, Pepi. Outdoor rings and strips of blue and red plastic ribbons. Earnest older men who just stood nex to their dogs half-heatedly trying to stop them jumping up-and-down, up-and-down or humping other dogs, not quite understand why my sister fussed so much with the dog. The word was freezing. Now its invitation only and black tie.
So, I went to see her and watched after her Bracco Italiano bitch and her litter of two, on Saturday and well into the Sunday morning, actually. (Just think, the previous time she gave birth to twelve!)
There might have also been a nice little Boxer bitch plus three cats and equally many Finnsheep to watch after. Well, the sheep required no watching-after. The other dogs were on the show (yes, there are more). Plus my own little kitten, who got the shit beaten out of her by Marika's youngest cat, whom she met for the first time. Not a polite introduction between the cats under the bed, I'm afraid. First time my cat walked (or ran, really) out of the ring the looser during the five-and-half-years of her life.Pikku-Hukka got a suite of her onw after that incident. With room service, naturally.
I spend a lovely Saturday knitting and watching sleeping puppies. I might have sneeked to my father's for an hour or two, as he smoked some lamb... Delicious.
The pups are downright ugly and the cutest things ever. I was so tempted to snatch them, but then I took a good look at jumping, drooling, lap-climbing, fur-sheddding four adult braccos and decided it's not right for me to acquire added responsibilities at this time of my life. Plus the puppies are reserved and I doubt that my sister would really entrust me with one of her precious ones.