
A buttercup of a week

We had a visit by a physiotherapist at work last Wednesday. She came to check whether our work stations are correct posture-wise and to position them better if needed. It turned out my table and chair were too high. We lowered them both by 10 cm, changed to back rest of my chair and tilted my PC screen a bit. Now I hear I have Japanese style in my room as everything is so low. But I’m not short!!! I’m quite the average height for a female Finn of my age, I swear.

All in all, last week was a busy one. I went out four evenings in a row, but fortunately managed to creep to work every morning as I had quite a lot do. Some days I even biked. I had fun each evening, but Saturday was the best. I cannot remember the last time I’ve laughed as much. My cheeks ached and I had stomach cramps. Thank you Juhani and Jani!

Other goods news of last week was a SMS from my friend Terhi, who lives in Oxford. She happened to be in Finland and wanted to see me. We met at a nursery on Sunday morning, bought huge amounts of soil and herbs for me and went to my place to chat and drink rhubarb syrup I had made on Saturday. I wish she could have stayed longer, but she has so many people to see every time she in the Finland. It was lovely to see her and we booked a week on July for me to visit her. As I’m going to Budapest for my mother 60th on July, too, I’ll have a nice travel-ly summer holiday. Can’t wait! The only problem is who will water all the plants I planted yesterday (more of them after I’ve photographed it all) while I’m away travelling? Maybe I’ll ask a neighbour?

I did have some bad news, though. After quite a few tests, it was determined last week that my father has an innate hole in his heart which has started to cause trouble just lately. He’ll have to have more tests and an operation later on. However, it seems this hole is not acutely dangerous and his doctor has told him he and his spouse can make the trip to Tanzania they have planned for August.

Then, a good friend of mine, Niina, had to put down her cat Kisuli. She developed acute kidney failure and it was most humane to say goodbye to the 18-year-old instead of trying uncertain treatments. As John Irving wrote, sorrow lingers.

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